Your personal image is your most valuable asset, it is your branding, it shows the world who you are, what you stand for and whether you are on the path to success.

Are you in control of YOUR IMAGE?

Why First Impressions Count

Did you know that when you meet someone an impression is formed in the first 30 seconds, with a staggering 55% based on how you look, 37% on how you sound and only 8% on what you say?

  • Do you know that most women only wear 20% of their wardrobe 80% of the time?
  • Do you know the rules for dressing for your unique body shape, proportions and colouring?
  • Do you have difficulty finding clothes that suits your body or age?
  • Do you know how your personality effects your choice of clothing and accessories?
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About Me

My passion is to teach all men and women the art and science of stylish dressing. Style is reflecting your true self, whilst smartly enhancing your best physical attributes. I will teach you the 'tricks' to be best version of yourself in using accessories, colour and clothing to confidently navigate retail fashion. Read More


Why First Impressions Count

What is the value of working with me as a trained image consultant? Ultimately, it is about ensuring your success in any endeavour and reflecting to the world your personal brand. To find out why image matters watch this video.

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Contact Me


Phone: 0400 22 11 76

You Work Hard
Let Me Help You Be The Best Version Of YOU

Why Use an Image Consultant? TO BE SUCCESSFUL

An image consultant is for ALL PEOPLE and not just for celebrities or the extremely wealthy. In fact, it is more important for us, 'the normal person' to stop wasting time and money on buying clothes yet still feel we have nothing to wear.

My clients include:

  • Ambitious professionals
  • Anyone with a direct public, client or media facing roles including CEOs, sales people and spokespersons
  • Mothers returning to the workforce
  • Graduates and job hunters
  • Small business owners.